How to Find The Most Efficient Online Math Tutor

Northregina Mathnasium
3 min readOct 7, 2021


There’s no doubt that kids can have a rough time at school. Whether it be that day’s science experiment or yesterday’s math homework; when your child comes in from school with their head hanging low and a frown on their face, you know it’s time to intervene. It’s not hard as a parent to sometimes feel defeated when your child struggles in school, however, there are so many ways you can get help, including adding an online math tutor into your child’s routine.

All of this being said, there are tons of ways to help your kids with math homework — and many of these can be done from the comfort of your own home! While doing research on finding the right online math tutor for kids may feel tedious, providing your kids with the right help will increase their chances of success later on.

To get started, here are some great ways on how to find the most efficient online math tutor:

Work with your child to define their needs, and then set expectations.

When you are able to assess at a basic level where your child is struggling, it will help you to determine what Math Learning Centres can best address those gaps and what level of experience you should expect from their tutors — whether your child is in the primary grades or high school. Having this plan set out in advance and aligning tutor skill sets and expected goals accordingly will help to create a fulsome learning journey for your child. Additionally, a great math tutor will provide you with a comprehensive assessment, which allows them to gauge your child’s level of understanding, and where exactly they need help.

Be ready to ask questions as part of your assessment to determine if there’s a connection between your child and the online math tutor.

There will be many questions you will want to pose so getting curious will be to your benefit in determining if the instructor can connect with your child for the best learning outcome. Here are some ideas for what you can ask: How much experience have you had teaching online? How old on average are your students? What do you enjoy about tutoring? What methods of teaching do you find most successful? Do you have methods you employ when students are having a hard time focusing? You will feel more confident with the online math tutor when you feel as though you made a great decision for your child!

Establish a learning schedule that works for you and your child, and stick to it.

For how many hours a week and how often will a tutor be required? How does the learning centre design its schedules and how flexible can they be to meet your and your child’s needs? Asking whether instructors assign additional work in between tutoring sessions will also help you determine the overall amount of time your child will need to dedicate to learning and practicing math with or without their tutor.

Hiring an online math tutor for your child is a great way for them to gain confidence in and out of the classroom, and with other subjects at school!

